Bad breath after gastric sleeve surgery
Bad breath after sleeve gastrectomy is one of the issues that disturb many patients. In the first 3 months, approximately 50% of patients call our bariatric nurse due to different levels of bad breath. The best thing about this complaint is that bad breath is temporary.
What Should We Do to Prevent Bad Breath?
There are several reasons for bad breath after gastric sleeve surgery. When the stomach, which has a large volume, is reduced by 80% and takes the shape of a tube, especially in the first days of the surgery, the intra-gastric mucosa is edematous (swollen), so the fluids and saliva taken from the mouth cannot pass into the intestines as easily as before. After sleeve gastrectomy surgery, this edema in the gastric mucosa decreases within days and the passage of liquids becomes easier. The initial bad breath decreases over time in this way.
For bad breath that may occur after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, regular brushing of the teeth, regular intake of gastroprotective medication every morning, taking 1 part of Gaviscon syrup at bedtime may be useful. Brushing the tongue as well as the teeth after gastric sleeve surgery will minimize the odor.
Rust or white aphthous-like appearance on the tongue after sleeve gastrectomy surgery may occur with the same mechanisms. Likewise, taking 1 scale of gaviscon at bedtime and gargling with bicarbonate (food soda) will be beneficial. For bicarbonate mouthwash, two teaspoons of food soda (baking soda) is mixed in a glass of water. Mouthwash is done twice a day. Improvement occurs within 2 days.
Swelling and bleeding in the gums are among the complaints that can be seen after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. If these complaints, which occur from the second month after stomach reduction surgery, are seen in the early period on days 3-10 after surgery, you should call our nurse as they may be due to blood thinners. When swelling and bleeding in the gums are seen in the second month and later after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, this is often due to vitamin C deficiency. Timely vitamin measurements are very important in this respect.
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