How Many Days Hospitalization After Gastric Sleeve Gastrectomy?

It is sufficient to stay in the hospital for 48 hours after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. In other words, you can stay in the hospital for two nights after surgery.

People who will return to an address outside Istanbul after sleeve gastrectomy stay for three nights as a precaution.

You will be hospitalized on the day you will have gastric sleeve surgery. For those coming from outside the city, hospitalization can be made in the evening before surgery when needed. Your requests in this regard are evaluated by our coordinator.

All examinations are performed on the morning of the surgery and you will be transferred to the operating room during the day according to your surgery order. Blood thinners are administered one hour before your gastric sleeve surgery. Another tranquilizing medication is administered while going to the operating room for sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Your sleeve gastrectomy surgery lasts for about an hour and after 30 minutes in the recovery room, you will go to your room on the floor. Two hours after you arrive in the room, you will be able to get up and walk on your own.

On the day you are discharged after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, you can return to your daily work and drive. We recommend that you wait five days for jobs that require physical strength.

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