Aesthetic Concerns After Obesity Surgery Adjusting to the New Body
There are a few psychological changes after gastric sleeve surgery. First of all, some people believe that all the problems in their lives will disappear after gastric sleeve surgery. But this stomach reduction surgery does not have a magic wand that can regulate your psychology. It is important to get psychological support after gastric sleeve surgery in order to spend the road to the goal healthier and with your feet on the ground. The effort and energy you will spend for your well-being will make you successful. You should not forget that gastric sleeve surgery is a very good start to help the person's weight loss journey.
It is important to prepare yourself psychologically after gastric sleeve surgery. Since it is a situation that has not been experienced before, your new body, your new life, may also lead to the emergence of some mental problems. It is possible to experience physical and psychological ups and downs during this journey. You should accept this and care about psychological support after gastric sleeve surgery.
Aesthetic concerns and efforts to get used to a new life after obesity surgery are due to the fact that people's body communication is interrupted due to their excess weight. People with high aesthetic concerns after obesity surgery cannot be aware of the change in their new bodies and avoid looking at their bodies and at the same time continue to stay away from social life. Some people still think they are obese even if they lose weight. Patients who have thought of themselves as an obese person for years need time to accept the change after bariatric surgery. It is not easy to get used to the body size (to accept the reflection in the mirror in terms of aesthetics). As you look in the mirror more often and start to buy smaller size clothes, the aesthetic change in the body after bariatric surgery will begin to undergo differences in the mind of the person.
Suggestions for Relieving Aesthetic Concerns and Strengthening Change after Obesity Surgery:
- You should ask for support and help from family members and friends in order to accept your aesthetic change after obesity surgery.
- Help family members and friends after obesity surgery so that this support is in the form of praise and financial reward.
- Build awareness of aesthetic change after obesity surgery on the rewards of self-monitoring behavior.
- Give specific rewards for specific behaviors after obesity surgery.
- (For example; you can set a reward for yourself for the behavior of aesthetic awareness by watching an area of your body in the mirror for 3 minutes every day. However, this reward should definitely not be about eating something. When setting a reward for your behavior, you should remember that you are after bariatric surgery).
- Reward the change in behavior, not the change in weight after obesity surgery, the important thing is to regulate nutrition and behavior after obesity surgery.
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